Saturday, December 24, 2011

Why am I so confused about my gender?

I feel like I know I'm a girl deep down inside. I'm biologically female.

But, ever since I was like 6 or 7, I've wanted boy haircuts and to look like a boy. When I eventually did get a haircut that cut 10in off, my family kept saying how much I looked like a boy and they didn't like it.

So, I grew my hair out until I was about 13.. And, I got a short, but feminine haircut. Which I was happy with.

I'm fourteen now, and I just have this URGE to dress and look like a boy.. I want a flat chest, I want a boy haircut, I want to wear boys clothes. With the exception of being able to wear girls clothes.

I don't feel like when I have kids I want to be a dad, I want to be the mom.

Everybody always says, I would be a better dad then mom. And always comment on how I've always wanted to look like a boy.

And I just get so depressed because, I want to look like a boy. But, you know, I'm happy with my vagina.

And I feel like, if I were to take testosterone I would put it off as long as possible so I could keep a vagina instead of my clitoris enlarging.

And, I don't know..

Why do I feel like a girl, but I want to APPEAR as a boy?

I'm also bisexual. Not gay. I don't think.

I'm not in anyway following the bisexual trend, my first crush was a girl in first grade.. So... yeah..

Growing up, I hung out mostly with boys. I rode bikes, kept begging for a boy bike until I finally got it when I was ten, cause I got held back and was hysterically crying. Thats why I got it.

And, I started skateboarding at 7. I was into hot wheels, monster trucks, cars, video games etc.

As well as, baby dolls, barbies, bratz, etc.

The other girls were into, cheerleading, gymnastics, dress up, dresses, make up, long hair etc.

I'm into cheerleading, too. But, I don't know..

The kids that live around me are wearing make up already, and a lot of them are twelve. They have long hair that the love to mess around with.

I'm happy showering, getting dress, brushing my hair and leaving.

No make up, nothing.

Please helppp!|||you do not sound Transsexual. You sound bigendered - a little of both, you are comfortable with both roles and want some of each. Sometimes this can be called GenderQueer/GenderF*ck you are just going to have to build your life around what you are comfortable with and do it.

The hardest part will be finding a lifepartner who can share equally with you and be comfortable in the role with you..

I wish you luck.|||You were born that way.

Accept it, the longer you take, the harder it is|||You REALLY don't sound like a 14 y/o girl........just sayin

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