Saturday, December 24, 2011

For anyone playing Saints Row 2 (or any other bloody game), is the violent content bothering you any?

I guess I'm getting old, but some of the missions bother me. I did the brotherhood one where the main character kidnaps the brotherhood leaders' g/f (have to kill cops to do it, of course), puts her in a trunk so she'll be crushed by her unknowing b/f during a monster truck rally, then gloats about it afterwards. Kind of cruel, seems like to me.|||Nah, I don't get bothered by it. It's just a game. I played through the original Manhunt fine and wasn't bothered by that at all.

Although, the general opinion is that that Saints Row mission does cross the line. You're not alone on that one.|||Some people prefer violent video games. Its said that experiencing this on screen can actually lower the chances of you going out and doing it outside like venting.

Its just like violent books movies or ideas etc. If it collides with your moral comfort then don't do it.

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